News Archive
Rick Whitman, Chapter President
The Hoosier Chapter held its fall meeting on 24 October 2024 at the Rathskellar Restaurant in Indianapolis.
We had 22 in attendance, representing a wide variety of professional health physics areas. Our speaker for the evening, Dr. Patrick Byrne, CHP, DABR, DABSNM, made an announcement that Dr. Jason Harris and Dr. Rick Whitman had achieved Health Physics Society (HPS) Fellow status at the HPS annual meeting in July.
Patrick then followed with the presentation "Nuclear Medicine Dose Estimation - Current Practice and Future Outlook." His medical background made this presentation fascinating to all. He began by covering the early historic uses of isotopes in nuclear medicine and made connections to how the current commonly used doses were developed. Patrick also provided information on the recent development of International Commission on Radiological Protection, International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, and US Nuclear Regulatory Commission differences in organ weighting and the current introduction of accelerator-produced isotopes.
Our next meeting will be in the spring of 2025 when we plan to have HPS President-elect Mike Lewandowski in attendance. At that point we plan to invite nearby chapters to attend our meeting.

Hoosier Chapter fall meeting at the Rathskellar Restaurant in Indianapolis
Photo courtesy of Rick Whitman

Hoosier Chapter meeting speaker Dr. Patrick Byrne
Photo courtesy of Rick Whitman