HPS Videos

Welcome to the HPS Videos page. This is where you will be able to find the many videos produced by the Health Physics Society, covering a range of topics. Clicking on the headings below will take you to a page with a listing of the videos in that category. Also, you may want to visit the Health Physics Society YouTube channel and subscribe here.

Ask the Experts

On our Ask the Experts video page, you will find informative videos about popular radiation topics, like pregnancy and radiation or the safety of cell phone towers. Click the heading above to see what's available.


The History of the Linear No-Threshold Model

The international community is embarking on a review of the entire system of radiation protection. The HPS is contributing to this effort by providing this series of videos that describe the historical foundations of the current protection philosophy based on a linear no-threshold (LNT) model for cancer risk assessment. The American Academy of Health Physics has preapproved 10 continuing education credits for certified health physicists watching all 22 episodes of this video series.



On our Fukushima video page, you will find videos with information about the health of the Fukushima workers and residents and about the risks and effects of radiation. Click the heading above to see a list of videos available.


Health Physics Career Information

Interested in learning more about health physics and what career opportunities there are? Click the heading above to learn more by watching our Health Physics Careers video.


HPS History Committee Interviews

Over the years, the HPS History Committee has interviewed over 50 of our prominent members, many of whom have since passed on. Click the heading above to enjoy a trip down memory lane with some of the giants in our field.


HPS Meetings

Our HPS meetings video library is just getting started. When the 2020 pandemic kept us all apart, we found a way to come together virtually. Click the heading above to see videos from our 2020 meeting.


President's Messages

In 2018, President Nolan Hertel initiated a series of videos to communicate with members. In 2021, President John Cardarelli, our 65th president, put a fresh spin on the presidential video with his series 65 Seconds With 65. Click the heading above to hear from your presidents past and present.