News Archive
Sara Dumit, HPS Public Information Committee Chair
Will you help the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) make an impact on the lives of students and young professionals? The future of radiation protection needs your support – donate to the Montreal Fund today! It's now possible to make a donation online, via PayPal.
Your donation matters – the Montreal Fund provides support to students and young professionals from developing countries and countries without an IRPA Associate Society to attend IRPA regional and international congresses, such as those shown in the photo who were given support to attend IRPA 16.
We thank you in advance for making an impact with your donations.

Front row, left to right, IRPA President Christopher Clement, Joana Otoo (Ghana), Lonah Moraa (Kenya), Riya Dey (India), and IRPA Executive Officer Bernard Le Guen. Back row, left to right, Calvince Odeny (Kenya), International Congress Support Committee Chair Brent Rogers, and IRPA Financial Officer Sigurður M. Magnússon.
Photo courtesy of Sara Dumit