News Archive
J. Matthew Barnett and Christine Lobos

325 Nozzle - from Traverse Port
Photo courtesy of J. Matthew Barnett
On Tuesday, 23 July 2024, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency are hosting a no-cost virtual/hybrid Rad Air NESHAP meeting. The event will run from 11:10 am to 3:15 pm EDT. On Wednesday, 24 July 2024, for those attending in-person in Richland, Washington, there will be an opportunity to tour the Hanford Site and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to learn more about radioactive air emissions programs.
Program presentations include:
- Department of Energy Subpart H Report, by C. Lobos and S. Snyder
- US Environmental Protection Agency Overview of the Radionuclide NESHAPS, by J. Walsh and J. Rustick
- CAP88-PC – Lessons in Proper Use, by B. Littleton
- Tritium Exit Signs – Are They a Rad-NESHAP Concern?, by K. Hyatt, D. Fuehne, R. Lattin, and S. Didla
- Flanged Tritium Waste Containers at Los Alamos – Adventures in Design, Planning & Permitting, by R. Lattin, D. Fuehne, K. Hyatt, and S. Didla
Registration is now open at the 2024 Rad Air NESHAP Meeting Registration Link. Or copy/paste the link into your browser to register:
Additional information including time and weblink to the session/meeting will be emailed to registrants as it becomes available. Individuals may also contact Matthew Barnett and Christine Lobos for other information.
The organizing committee includes:
- Christine Lobos, DOE-HQ
- Matthew Barnett, PNNL
- Jonathan Walsh, EPA-HQ
- Sandra Snyder, PNNL
- Joe Rustick, EPA-HQ