News Archive
Sara Dumit, Committee Chair
March is National Women's History Month!
Due to popular demand, the Public Information Committee will once again highlight historical and contemporary contributions of women health physicists to honor the past, inform the present, and inspire the future.
Please, take a moment to visit the HPS celebratory web page Celebrating Women in Radiation Protection and submit nominations so we can feature more notable women. Also, you may take the opportunity to join and support the HPS Women in Radiation Protection Section!

Women in leadership in the HPS: top row, President Elizabeth Brackett; middle row, left to right, Treasurer Kendall Berry, Director Adela Salame-Alfie, Director Shaheen Azim Dewji, Director Angela Leek, and Director Tanya Palmateer-Oxenberg; bottom row, left to right, Web Operations Editor in Chief Barbara Hamrick, Health Physics Journal Managing Editor and Special Publications Editor Mary Gene Ryan, Parliamentarian/Rules Chair Jan Braun, Student Support Committee Chair Jillian Newmyer, and Ask the Experts Editor in Chief and Program Committee Chair Emily Caffrey
Submitted photos and copyright-free graphic from Pixabay