News Archive
J. Matthew Barnett and Christine Lobos

Typical ambient air surveillance station
Submitted photo

Typical radiological stack exhaust system with sampling cabinet
Submitted photo
On Tuesday, 23 July 2024, the Department of Energy (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are hosting a no-cost virtual/hybrid Rad Air NESHAP meeting. Like past years, the basic structure of the meeting will include DOE, EPA, and ANSI/ISO presentations. The remainder of the meeting will be filled with presentations from submitted abstracts related to Rad Air/NESHAP programs.
Consider submitting an abstract to this year's meeting. Abstracts are due by 22 March 2024 and should be submitted by email to Matthew Barnett and Christine Lobos. Notification of acceptance will be sent to individuals by 30 April 2024. Accepted abstracts will require a presentation submittal by 28 June 2024.
Abstract Instructions:
1. Title: Descriptive title in upper and lower case. Acronyms should not be used.
2. Author(s): Use First Middle Last name format. Indicate the presenting author by underline.
3. Affiliation(s): Provide basic affiliation(s) information, e.g., US Department of Energy, Headquarters.
4. Contact: Address(es), email addresses, and cell phone number for presenting author.
5. Abstract: The abstract must be one concise paragraph that contains a summary of the problem, work conducted, and results. Abstracts should be between 150 and 300 words.
With the approval of presenters and their organization, copies of the presentations are expected to be available online shortly after the meeting. There may be conference rooms available in Richland, Washington, and Washington, DC, for this session. Please contact Matthew and Christine for more information (email addresses are above). Additional information, including time and weblink, will be provided as it becomes available.
The organizing committee includes Christine Lobos, DOE-HQ; Jonathan Walsh, EPA-HQ; Joe Rustick, EPA-HQ; Sandra Snyder, PNNL; and Matthew Barnett, PNNL.