News Archive
HPS Section Awards
Accelerator Section

H. Wade Patterson Memorial Award: Sherry Adadi
Submitted photo

Lutz Moritz Memorial Award: Patrick Connolly
Submitted photo
Academic, Industrial, and Research Radiation Safety Section

AIRRS Section Travel Grant: Ashli Nieves
Submitted photo

AIRRS Section Travel Grant: Dan Strom
Submitted photo
Professional Education Program
Continuing Education Lectures

Dave Allard, CEL-9, Geiger-Mueller Counters 101
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace
Professional Enrichment Program

William Irwin, PEP1-C, Critical Improvements for Health Physicists in Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies, Part 1: Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace

Phil Egidi, PEP2-B, Revisiting and Redefining TENORM for the 21st Century
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace

C. Maddigan, PEP2-A, Alpha Spectroscopy for the Health Physicist
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace
Professional Development School

Dr. Thomas LaBone (MJW Companies) and Dr. Charles "Gus" Potter (Sandia National Laboratories) taught the 2023 PDS class, Occupational Internal Dosimetry.
Photos courtesy of HPS Professional Development School
Bingo in the Exhibit Hall

Visitors to the exhibit hall at the 68th HPS Annual Meeting were given bingo cards with a random selection of the meeting's vendors listed. They were encouraged to visit the vendor booths listed on their card to get a stamp. Once they had a bingo, they dropped their cards at the HPS Publications Booth. All winning cards were then entered into a drawing. Douglas Smith, Ed Kelly, and Dawn Montgomery's names were drawn and they each won an Amazon gift card. The bingo game encouraged attendees to visit many booths and was great fun for the players and vendors.