News Archive
Jessica Joyce, Mentorship Committee Chair
The Health Physics Society (HPS) Mentorship Committee was happy to host a group of motivated individuals at the 68th HPS Annual Meeting for this year's early-morning Challenging Health Physics Questions (CHPQ) event! Participants worked in small groups to solve written health physics questions about ion chamber detectors, neutron activation, and internal dosimetry. Each question was designed to take 30 minutes to solve and relied on provided information as well as foundational health physics concepts. Volunteer coaches Deepesh Poudel, Thomas Johnson, and Zachariah Tribbett provided coaching and grading. Want to challenge yourself? Reach out to the Mentorship Committee to get a copy of this year's CHPQs or plan to join us for the next event.

CHPQ participants plan their response to an internal dosimetry question related to Iodine-131 exposure from an escaped cat in a veterinary hospital.
Photo courtesy of Jessica Joyce

Our motivated CHPQ participants and coaches tested their problem-solving skills at this year's morning sessions.
Photo courtesy of Jessica Joyce

CHPQ Team 1 reviews their approach to estimating a thermal neutron cross section from a neutron activation reaction with volunteer coach Tom Johnson.
Photo courtesy of Jessica Joyce

CHPQ Team 2 reviews neutron activation calculations from first principles with volunteer coach Deepesh Poudel.
Photo courtesy of Jessica Joyce