News Archive
Mike Mahathy, Chapter President

HPS President-elect Elizabeth Brackett presents the Inaugural Howard Dickson Memorial Lecture
Photo courtesy of Mike Mahathy
The East Tennessee Chapter held its annual James E. Turner Back to School Lecture Series on 11 February 2023. Dr. Turner was a beloved professor of Health Physics and scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He served as president of our chapter in 1977.
We were pleased to welcome HPS President-elect Elizabeth Brackett. The chapter honored Brackett with the Inaugural Howard Dickson Memorial Lecture. Howard served as president of our chapter in 1975 and stayed involved until a few days before his passing. We plan to recognize Howard with this lecture award annually while also honoring Dr. Turner. As another piece of trivia, President-elect Brackett served as treasurer of our chapter in 1992 and 1993.