News Archive
Timothy Lynch and J. Matthew Barnett
ANSI/HPS N13.35-2022, "Specifications for the Bottle Manikin Absorption Phantom"

Example bottle manikin absorption (BOMAB) phantom
Photo courtesy of Tim Lynch
ANSI/HPS N13.35, "Specifications for the Bottle Manikin Absorption Phantom" (BOMAB), was recently issued. It is available to Health Physics Society (HPS) members at no charge in the Members Only area of the HPS website and to members of the public at the IHS Markit Standards Store for $60. The working group members included David Hickman, Karen Jeffers, Chair Timothy Lynch, and Brett Rosenberg; Sandy Hyman is the N13 Internal Dosimetry Section Manager.
The ANSI/HPS N13.35 standard provides the specifications for the design, fabrication, and quality (precision and accuracy) of BOMAB phantoms manufactured after the issuance of the June 2022 version. The standard addresses the material composition, physical specifications, incorporation of radioactive material, quality assurance, quality control, and records related to the manufacture of BOMAB phantoms.
The BOMAB phantom has been used in a variety of applications; however, the specifications in this standard are intended to provide guidance for BOMAB phantoms used to calibrate in vivo monitoring systems. The BOMAB phantom is used primarily to calibrate systems that measure radionuclides in the body that, when metabolized, have a distribution that approximates a whole-body distribution (for example, 137Cs, 40K). For in vivo calibrations, the BOMAB phantom is typically used over the energy range from 100 keV to 3 MeV. Over this energy range, right circular cylinders and elliptical cylinders adequately approximate the shape of the human body. Also, at these energies, the radiation interaction properties of the phantom materials adequately simulate tissue. Additional information is also provided in annexes regarding the history of and applications for BOMAB phantoms.
Note: Please remember that HPS members have full access to all of the HPS ANSI Standards for free, but these PDFs are for HPS member individual use only. If you need multiple copies or copies for use for commercial purposes or copies for use by nonmembers, visit the IHS Standards Store linked above.