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J. Matthew Barnett, Chair
ANSI/HPS N13.25-2022, "Internal Dosimetry Programs for Plutonium Exposure – Basic Requirements"
ANSI/HPS N13.25, "Internal Dosimetry Programs for Plutonium Exposure – Basic Requirements," was recently issued. A PDF copy is available to Health Physics Society (HPS) members at no charge in the Members Only area of the HPS website and to members of the public at IHS Markit standards store for $75.
The ANSI/HPS N13.25 standard provides guidance concerning the functional operation of bioassay monitoring and internal dose assessment programs for facilities having the potential for occupational exposure to plutonium. The standard addresses several aspects of a bioassay monitoring program including the design and setup, the selection of individuals to receive monitoring, the interpretation of bioassay monitoring results, the assessment of internal dose, action levels for medical intervention, assessing intakes associated with contaminated wounds, estimating uncertainty associated with assessed intakes, and numerical thresholds for medical intervention. The standard is intended to be complimentary to ANSI/HPS N13.14, "Bioassay Programs for Tritium" and ANSI/HPS N13.30, "Performance Criteria for Radiobioassay."

The ANSI/HPS N13.25 Working Group, left to right, Joel Webb, David McLaughlin, Chair Cheryl Antonio, Elizabeth Brackett, and Gene Carbaugh
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Antonio