News Archive
Ali A. Simpkins, HPS Treasurer 2020–2022

Current HPS Treasurer Kendall Berry, left, and Past Treasurer Ali Simpkins
Photo courtesy of Casper Sun
Having recently completed my term as treasurer of the Health Physics Society (HPS), I thought it would be a good time to share with you my experience as well as how the Society is doing financially. I assumed the role of treasurer-elect in summer of 2019 and was very excited to be serving in this role for the society that I had been involved with for so long. As treasurer-elect, you shadow the treasurer for the first year to learn the ropes, which means I was to assume the role of treasurer in July of 2020. We all know how different the world was in the summer of 2020! Around the same time, my boss retired, and I assumed his position. I know we all had our own struggles during the pandemic, but boy I had a lot on my plate. I am happy to report that two years later as I finish my term, things are looking good on all fronts.
One of the most important things that the treasurer does, along with the Finance Committee, is prepare the draft budget for our next fiscal year (which runs September through August) for Board of Directors (BOD) approval. This process usually begins in April so the budget can be finalized and presented to the BOD for its approval at the annual meeting. As you all know, in 2020 we did not have an in-person annual meeting but, rather, delayed the meeting to September and it was all virtual. Consequently, the preparation of the budget was delayed and with everyone's day job becoming much more challenging, it was difficult to even find the time to prepare the budget—but we did. Budget planning when you are unable to be in the same room posed some difficulties, but we managed. One thing we learned that was very helpful was that planning the budget over a period of time rather than in one long session proved to be very beneficial and we even carried that method forward in subsequent years.
Being involved in all financial decisions for the Society, the Finance Committee worked to set the meeting rates for these new virtual/hybrid meetings and workshops. The Finance Committee had many discussions with respect to setting rates that make it affordable for members while still keeping the Society financially viable. Holding hybrid meetings is very expensive, and serious consideration will need to be given to this in the future.
Despite the decline in membership, YOUR Society remains strong financially. We ended the 2021 fiscal year 286K in the black despite being budgeted to be 32.7K in the black. Keep in mind that the summer meeting for 2020 was delayed until fiscal year 2021 so two annual meetings occurred during that fiscal year when normally there would have been one. The current fiscal year 2022, which ends in August, is looking good and we anticipate it being in the black despite being budgeted 85K in the red. Additionally, our reserves continue to be strong.
I completed my term as treasurer at the HPS meeting in Spokane last month and I know the HPS is in good hands with Kendall Berry as your new treasurer. While serving brought many challenges, it was very satisfying when so many important decisions needed to be made. I would like to express a huge thanks to HPS Executive Director Brett Burk and his team for countless hours of help. Also, I would like to thank Kendall Berry, your new treasurer, as working with her as treasurer-elect she offered invaluable input. Thanks for trusting me to be treasurer. I am very hopeful for the future of the Society and look forward to staying involved.