News Archive
Antonio Triventi, HPS Standards Committee Chair
At the 67th Health Physics Society (HPS) Annual Meeting in Spokane, the HPS Standards Organization Special Session was held on Wednesday, 20 July 2022, in the Centennial Ballroom, 9:30–11:50 am.
The special session was conducted in two parts separated by a break. In the first part, speakers provided insights regarding the activities carried on by:
- The HPS Standards Committee (HPSSC) - Antonio Triventi (HPSSC chair and special session chair).
- The ANSI N13 Committee - Matthew Barnett (ANSI N13 chair).
- The ANSI N43 Committee - Richard Whitman (ANSI N43 vice chair).
- The ISO TC85/SC2 Committee - Jim Herrold (US NTAG ISO/TC85 chair and US TAG ISO/TC85/SC2 chair).
In the second part, a group of panelists including Barnett, Herrold, Gus Potter (ANSI N13 vice-chair), and Triventi addressed questions from the audience present in person and connected remotely through the meeting website.
The panel discussion turned out to be a very engaging moment where HPS members had a tangible opportunity to learn more about the standards-development process, the rewarding aspects of volunteering, and how to get involved. Especially relevant, encouraging, promising, and inspiring was the clear interest shown by several students and early-career professionals who were in attendance and who indicated they would like to contribute. They asked insightful questions during the panel discussion and followed up afterwards by providing their contact information and résumés for consideration.
In conclusion, the HPS Standards Organization Special Session accomplished its goal of garnering attention to standards and to bringing in new contributors to keep supporting and sustaining the standards-development process.
The special session was recorded and is available until 31 December for those who have registered for the 67th HPS Annual Meeting. Log into the meeting site using the link you were sent when you registered. The Sign In button is at the top right side of the page. The sessions are available from the Schedule tab. If you have trouble finding/accessing your Pathable link, email and ask to have your sign-in information sent to you. If you did not previously register and would like to view sessions from the meeting, registration is still open on the meeting website.
For questions, comments, and feedback, contact Antonio Triventi.

Speakers at the HPS Standards Organization Special Session, left to right, Antonio Triventi, Matthew Barnett, Richard Whitman, and Jim Herrold
Photos courtesy of Casper Sun