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The 2022 IRPA North American Regional Congress—"Meeting the Challenges in the Practice of Radiation Protection"—was held 21–23 February, in St. Louis, Missouri. The Associate Societies Forum was held on the afternoon of 21 February and included talks by representatives from the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Health Physics Society (HPS), Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA), Sociedad Mexicana de Seguridad Radiológica (SMSR), and Pan American Health Organization. The talks were followed by an open forum that provided question-and-answer time with in-person and remote-participant panel members.

IRPA Executive Presentation by IRPA President Bernard Le Guen
Screenshot courtesy of Mary Walchuk

HPS President John Cardarelli, NIOSH
Screenshot courtesy of Mary Walchuk

CRPA President Emeritus Ed Waller, Ontario Tech University
Photo courtesy of Barbara Hamrick

Richard Harr, SMSR
Screenshot courtesy of Mary Walchuk

Whitney Coulor-Rellum, Pan American Health Organization – "Challenges in Establishing a Radiation Protection Infrastructure in Suriname"
Photo courtesy of Barbara Hamrick

IRPA Executive Officer Ana Maria Bomben, Buenos Aires
Screenshot courtesy of Mary Walchuk

IRPA Vice President Chris Clement
Screenshot courtesy of Mary Walchuk

Open forum panel, left to right, Ed Waller (CRPA), Whitney Coulor-Rellum (Suriname), John Cardarelli (HPS), Bernard Le Guen (IRPA), and Mike Mahathy (HPS). Not pictured, remote participants Richard Harr (SMSR) and Ana Maria Bomben and Chris Clement (IRPA)
Photo courtesy of Barbara Hamrick
We will be sharing more photos from the congress in upcoming issues of Health Physics News.
If you attended IRPA 2022 live or virtually, you can revisit sessions you loved or those you missed by logging into the meeting site here until 31 May. The Sign In button is at the top right side of the page. The sessions are available from the Schedule tab.
If you were unable to attend and would like to view sessions from the meeting, registration is still open on the meeting website.