Current News Archive
The Health Physics Society (HPS) Program Committee would like to sincerely thank all HPS members who submitted abstracts for the 2019 HPS Annual Meeting, which will be held 7–11 July in Orlando, Florida. The Program Committee received 279 abstracts by the 28 February deadline, 157 (56%) of which were received on the last day. The Program Committee's Orlando Task Force met in Orlando 7–8 March and organized the 64th annual meeting. The Task Force members met with the Local Arrangements Committee and Hilton Hotel staff, toured the facility, and evaluated meeting rooms. The Task Force reviewed 295 abstracts and placed 230 abstracts into 34 sessions and 65 abstracts into the poster session. Overall, the planning meeting was a huge success as the team left the 1.5-day meeting with a preliminary program. The Task Force urges members to make your reservations now and plan to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando.

The HPS Program Committee's Task Force for the Orlando annual meeting, left to right: Tanya Oxenberg, Chris Shaw, Lori Strong, Charles Wilson, Jennifer Rosenberg, Tim Kirkham, Megan Lobaugh, Hannah Graham, and Chair Tim Taulbee. Photo courtesy of Tim Taulbee